

Hola! This is Haydeé (Ay-de) from Mexicons Art.

¡Bienvenidos! I’m a native Cora from Tepic, Nayarit, raised in the border town of Tijuana. I currently reside in Southern California with my beloved canhija, Friducha

MexiconsArt started as my college thesis when I was studying Graphic Design in México in the early 2000s ... with a simple coloring book of nostalgia mexicana pop for kindergartners to share my admiration of strong and unique Mexican Icons. Through the years, I developed paper goods, accessories and apparel to share my love of México and nostalgia with you.

MexiconsArt is nostalgic parody imagery from Mexican cultura pop made in a graphic and minimalist style. Follow me on instagram to connect!

MexiconsArt™ is a copyright trademark.The images that appear on this site are copyrighted and not licensed for personal or commercial use. All designs and artwork are created solely for MexiconsArt™. I enjoy sharing information and love when others enjoy my work enough to post the links on their own sites. However, I ask that you not use my exact layouts, designs or artwork without permission and without noting its origins on your post. All designs and artwork "by MexiconsArt™" must also be credited and linked to the original source: MexiconsArt™.