Our MexIcons Libro Club has started and the first book that has launched this journey is "Querido Alberto: la biografía autorizada de Juan Gabriel" by Eduardo Magallanes for the month of January.
This book recaps the story of Juan Gabriel thru one of his closest childhood friends and collaborators from that childhood until 1995 for the famous Bellas Artes concert. Here's a short recapitulation.
Querido Alberto: la biografía autorizada de Juan Gabriel Author: Alberto Magallanes
Date read:
January, 2023
What drew me to this cover?
The design of the cover is classic and it goes hand in hand with the album that was released the same year, "El México que se nos fue" in 1995.
Why did I choose this book?
Not only is Juan Gabriel Mexico's premier composer, but January is his birthday. Also, Juan Gabriel has a very compelling story that not a lot of people are familiar with. From growing up in an orphanage, to his stay in the infamous "Palacio Negro", Lecumberri prison, to his success not only as a singer but as a composer and producer.
Other books that could be a crossover?
BOOK: Rosie Perez's "Handbook for an Unpredictable Life: How I Survived Sister Renata and My Crazy Mother, and Still Came Out Smiling (with Great Hair)", 2014
MUSIC: Juan Gabriel (Lo mejor en Bellas Artes 40 Aniversario con la Orquesta Sinfonica de la Cd. de Mexico, 2016
TV: Hasta que te conocí (TV series), 2017
The feeling(s) of this book evokes me:
Nostalgia for Juan Gabriel, the icon and his legacy. And hopefully, people will see that he was an amazing philanthropist, such as the legacy of SEMJASE, that is music, dreams and education for the children of Ciudad Juárez.
Favorite passage(s):
"Quien no vive para servir, no sirve para vivir". This translates into a life that doesn't serve, is not a life well lived.
Did reading this book change me in any way?
Of course, it has deepened by respect for JG, his will, his grit and dedication to a better life.
Would I recommend this book?
Absolutely! That's why I am in the Libro Club. It is always good to learn about the history, pop culture and lives of idolos Mexicanos populares.
Thank you for reading with me and stay tuned for the next read...
Mauricio Gárces, La historia de un Seductor.
Con amor,