


Our MexIcons Libro Club has started and the seventh book is Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera for the month of July.

This book recaps the life of the tumultuous life of an extraordinary twentieth-century woman -- with illustrations as rich and haunting as her legend. Here's a short recapitulation.

Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo

Date read:
July, 2023

What drew me to this cover?
There are many covers designed of this book thru the years. The original cover is very retro but the copy that I have is from the motion picture.

Why did I choose this book?
Frida is an icon and I read many books from her and nothing compares to the Hayden Herrera book.

Other books that could be a crossover?
FILM: Frida, Naturaleza Viva, 1988
FILM: Frida, 2002
MUSIC: Frida by Lilia Downs, Movie Soundtrack, 2002

The feeling(s) of this book evokes me:
Resilience! I do adore her. In her best or her worst.

Favorite passage(s):
I do love reading about her humor and when she was on the USA.

Did reading this book change me in any way?
Of course, I don't know a single person that hasn't been touch by Frida. Always a polarizing person.

Would I recommend this book?
Absolutely! She is the epitome of resilience.


Thank you for reading with me and stay tuned for the next read...

Dolores del Río: Beauty in Light and Shade


Con amor,

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