Our MexIcons Libro Club has started and the seventh book is by Hayden Herrera for the month of July.
This book recaps the life of the tumultuous life of an extraordinary twentieth-century woman -- with illustrations as rich and haunting as her legend. Here's a short recapitulation.
Date read:
July, 2023
What drew me to this cover?
There are many covers designed of this book thru the years. The original cover is very retro but the copy that I have is from the motion picture.
Why did I choose this book?
Frida is an icon and I read many books from her and nothing compares to the Hayden Herrera book.
Other books that could be a crossover?
FILM: Frida, Naturaleza Viva, 1988
FILM: Frida, 2002
MUSIC: Frida by Lilia Downs, Movie Soundtrack, 2002
The feeling(s) of this book evokes me:
Resilience! I do adore her. In her best or her worst.
Favorite passage(s):
I do love reading about her humor and when she was on the USA.
Did reading this book change me in any way?
Of course, I don't know a single person that hasn't been touch by Frida. Always a polarizing person.
Would I recommend this book?
Absolutely! She is the epitome of resilience.
Thank you for reading with me and stay tuned for the next read...
Con amor,