Con Permisito...

Con Permisito...


 Our MexIcons Libro Club has started and the fourth book is “Con permisito dijo Monchito” homenaje a Ramón Valdés by Esteban Valdes for the month of March.

This book recaps the life of Ramon Valdez by his son with funny and entertaining annecdotes. Here's a short recapitulation.

Con permisito dijo Monchito by Esteban Valdes

Date read:
April, 2023

What drew me to this cover?
A spoof of Norman Rockwell (American, 1894-1978). Study for Triple Self Portrait, 1960.

Why did I choose this book?
A light read a comedic genius and family legacy.

Other books that could be a crossover?
 Watching Ramon Valdes most famous character Don Ramon in El Chavo del Ocho
TV: Los Supergenios de la Mesa Cuadrada, 1968
FILM: El Rey del Barrio, 1950

The feeling(s) of this book evokes me:
Nostalgia. The photos are GREAT!

Favorite passage(s):
"Una guitarra, una canción: la mejor manera de sanar", which translates "A guitar, a song: the best way to heal", the arts can heal you.

Did reading this book change me in any way?
Not really, but just more knowledgable about the Valdes family.

Would I recommend this book?
Absolutely! That's why I am in the Libro Club. It is always good to learn about the history, pop culture and lives of ídolos Mexicanos populares.


Thank you for reading with me and stay tuned for the next read...

Esta Soy Yo, Silvia Pinal


Con amor,

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